Block 3- Character Strengths
Block 5- Mindsets
Block 6_ Resilience and post-traumatic growth
Demonstrations & Practice
Block 8- Positive Psychology Interventions
Block 9- Psychometrics and assessment

When adversity strikes: Resilience and post-traumatic growth


Further reading: What Doesn’t Kill Us – The New Psychology of Post-traumatic Growth

Scholarly article on the subject of PTG

Short blog post on PTG (including further reading)

PTG Research Unit (including publications) of the University of Charlotte

PTG Research Unit – University of East London

PTG on

27 Resilience Activities and Worksheets for Students and Adults (+PDFs)

Scholarly article on the subject of Resilience

Collection of articles on Resilience

Video: Dan Gilbert on the concept of a “psychological immune system”

What is PTG: the Science of Post-Traumatic Growth
