It was a learning experience that will stay with me a long time
Ceri BoycottCoach
It was a pleasure to share, reflect and explore with you all last night. What an incredibly valuable resource. Magnificent
Nathan BlairFounder of The Somatic School
Thank you for the deep learning today. I was struck by Oriana’s powerful coaching presence.
I felt a sense of grounding and learned about delivering succinct depth in questions and reflections.
I felt a sense of grounding and learned about delivering succinct depth in questions and reflections.
The Coaching Lab was one of the most effective parts of my coach training and on-going development as Yannick carefully curates a diverse range of coaches and coaching approaches. The discussion following each session is highly instructive and really helps to cement the learnings.
The Lab is a valuable investment in your coaching development, whether you are a coach in training, or an experienced coach. Thank you Yannick for elevating the shared conversation about what effective coaching looks like, and also for providing an experience that hits a need that many coach training programmes don't.
The Lab is a valuable investment in your coaching development, whether you are a coach in training, or an experienced coach. Thank you Yannick for elevating the shared conversation about what effective coaching looks like, and also for providing an experience that hits a need that many coach training programmes don't.
I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying the vault of coaching videos. It's such a great idea (the lab in general!). As a peer support group and as a resource it's invaluable for learning (beyond the textbooks), and also insightful. I'm loving the videos. It's refreshing to see that pro-coaches with all the experience make little mistakes now and then, or ask a question that doesn't lead anywhere, etc. Of course there is LOADS of great stuff to see in these videos, but it's comforting to know that behind other coaches' closed doors, they are human too and it reminds me that coaching is exciting and unpredictable, in a good way. Just one of the reasons I love coaching so much!
Thank you ever so much!
[On a scale of 1-10] it's an 11 from me 🙂
I recommend the Lab to people all the time!
[On a scale of 1-10] it's an 11 from me 🙂
I recommend the Lab to people all the time!
Thank you so much, that was such a fascinating, thought-provoking and useful session.
Diane Tricker
Ever wanted to know how other coaches actually coach? Or been curious about certain styles, schools, or methods? Yannick's Coaching Labs are brilliant. You get to watch highly-experienced coaches in action... and then ask them the burning questions you have about process or choice or questions.
Sohini PetrieLeadership and Team Coach
I really love the Coaching Labs, they ought to be obligatory for all coaches!
Piotr MaciejaCoach
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