I’m Yannick, I love coaching, and I created a coaching lab where you get to witness highly experienced coaches live at work.
If you've ever seen a coach in action, you know what a massively valuable learning experience it is
If you've ever seen a coach in action, you know what a massively valuable learning experience it is
That is why I created The Coaching Lab: so that you can be a fly on the wall during a 45-minute live coaching session, in an as-real-as-it-gets settings, to talk to the coach & client about their experience and hear their reflections, and to practise your own skills as part of an intimate and friendly community.
Over the years, The Coaching Lab has become a valuable asset in the lives of many coaches. Both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike tell us how much they love the opportunity to take a look inside the minds of other coaches. It’s enlightening and revealing to hear coaches reflect on the ‘what, why & how’ of their coaching approach, and to see a range of different styles in action.
If you’ve ever felt that life can be lonely as a coach, or you want to learn new techniques, or try out a new modality or way of being before using them with paying clients, then The Coaching Lab was made for you.
If you feel The Coaching Lab is for you…
Come and join us! You can test the waters with a one-off ticket or by watching the recordings of our free Taster Labs, you can secure the best price and get access to the recordings of Labs you missed with a commitment-free monthly rolling membership, or enjoy instant access to the entire vault of recorded coaching demos as a VIP member.
Free Taster Labs
Take a look inside the Lab by watching three recorded sessions to get a sense for what we’ve got in stock for you. This includes the coaching demo and debrief.
Monthly Membership
Enjoy access to live events as well as the recordings of Labs you may miss during your time as a member with a monthly rolling membership that you can cancel anytime.
VIP Membership
Get instant access to our extensive Vault of recorded coaching demos from across a broad range of different styles and approaches. A wealth of insights and learning awaits you.
Whatever you choose, we try to make it as easy and affordable as possible for new and experienced coaches alike to demystify coaching, expand your practice and level up your skillset.
In just a few clicks you can join a powerful community of coaches who are eager to learn together and support each other, all under the trusted facilitation of a veteran coach.
In short:
Direct access to a formidable learning environment!
How it works:
The mechanics of a Coaching Lab session:
Phase 1: A live coaching session
After a brief welcome and some contracting, we get to sit in on a live coaching session as an invisible audience member.
What a privilege it is, to observe what’s happening “in the fishbowl” – to be right there as the magic happens, and to bear witness to a fellow human being opening up and trying to figure some stuff out!
At times we venture into incredible depth and the client truly transforms; at other times it’s more light and transactional; and occasionally it doesn’t quite seem to gel – but whichever way things play out, we ALWAYS learn a huge deal!
Phase 2: An open conversation
Following the fishbowl-session, both client and coach share their reflections on the session, followed by an open conversation fueled by curious and critical questions and observations from the audience and facilitator.
That way we’ll get to take a look inside the mind of an experienced coach, and learn more about how and why they made certain decisions. We’ll also learn about their techniques; any underlying frameworks and psychological theory running in the background; as well as how their interventions landed with the client – and you get to share your own experience witnessing the session.
Phase 3: Breakouts & practice
In the last part of the Lab, after a short break, everybody is invited into breakout triads, to practice and experiment with some new coaching techniques or ways of being, or to continue the conversation.
Perhaps you were inspired by what you’ve jsut seen and you want to try it out, or maybe you just want to dust off your existing skill set and get back into the groove of coaching.
Practising in a safe environment enables us to incorporate new skills into our paid practice, and it’s a chance to get some feedback on how we’re doing, often from experienced fellow coaches – a formidable learning environment!
Walk away upgraded and connected
Every month, Lab members tell us that they feel privileged and inspired, after observing these sessions and chatting with the coach, the client, and a diverse community.
And, being a Lab member means you’ll open up new perspectives on what’s possible in coaching: You’ll have a fresh set of coaching skills and modalities in your toolkit, and you’ll be connected to a thriving and supportive community.
The result: You, as a better, more versatile, more confident and capable coach – ready to take on more challenging coaching conversations, and create more positive change in the world.
The Coaching Lab helps you, every month,
to be the best coach you can be.
Our Vault of recorded Coaching Lab sessions offers a well-spring of knowledge and experience. Check out a selection of favourites below and the complete Vault here.
What our members are saying
Thank you Yannick for elevating the shared conversation about what effective coaching looks like, and also for providing an experience that hits a need that many coach training programmes don't.
[On a scale of 1-10] it's an 11 from me 🙂
I recommend the Lab to people all the time!
Find more testimonials at www.GoCoachingLab.com/testimonials

About Yannick
Professional coach, trainer, supervisor, published author, former MSc Programme Leader, and teaching faculty at Cambridge University & the International Centre for Coaching Supervision.
An avid fan of Positive Psychology and Existential Coaching, Yannick holds Masters Degrees in both domains.
His approach to coaching and life in general is inquisitive and rigorous, and his mission in the coaching space is clear:
To improve & expand both the quality, and the adoption of coaching in the world.
The Coaching Lab was created as a tool to help further that mission, and to give you tools and teachings that help you grow and be the best, most impactful coach you can be for your clients, their communities, and the world.